Ellen & Samuel Murray

Ellen Campbell Murray

Samuel Murray
My great-great grandparents.
Ellen Campbell was born May 12, 1839 in Ohio. She became a teacher before meeting and marrying Samuel on October 9, 1869.
Samuel Murray was born June 21, 1848 in Maryland. He was know to be a frail, sickly man, who suffered from diabetes, and perhaps TB. Samuel died January 21, 1881.
Ellen lived on, never remarrying, until she passed away March 22, 1918 during the influenza pandemic.
Although both Ellen and Samuel's families were farmers, they instilled the value of an education in their son John Edward (my great-grandfather) who became both a farmer and a teacher.
John Edward's daughter Edna became a nurse, and then a school cafeteria worker.
Her daughter, my mother, almost became a nurse, then changed course and was 3 units short of her teacher's degree, before marrying.
I worked as a telephone operator for several years before transferring to a facilities technician position. I retired at 48, and have moved back to the land.
We've gone full circle now. Although I don't plan to farm for profit, I do intend to grow food for our table.
Grapes grow well up here, so I just might learn to make wine.
This is the only way to get to you. You recently commented on a piece entitled "Reflections on a 61-year old photo," which was posted on my blog (www.octogenarian.blogspot.com). Then you kindly helped me post the photo itself on the blog. I thought you might be interested in an unexpected sequel to the piece. It's entitled "My blog uncovers a tragic tale," and was posted June 11. Again my thanks for your kind comment and assistance.
How zen... I plan to retire at 50 as well. You are an inspiration.
I returned to your site, read your piece and commented. It was indeed a tragic ending.
You are welcome here anytime, even if it's only to leave a message.
It can be done! I wish you well.
You could always earn some extra $$ by growing organic crops... if you know what I mean.
grandpa snake-
Hello and welcome!
Guess you get a little more snow than we do since you're at a higher elevation and further North?
When it does snow, it doesn't matter since we don't have to head out to work anymore...
as long as the pet food holds out, we're OK.
Could you send me an organic care package?
Presley misses his grandma by the way... ;)
chris v.-
OOPS, I missed your comment!
So sorry!
hmmmmm... an organic care package... gee I wonder what that means?
Please give baby Presley hugs from his blog-grandma!
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