So This Is How I Feel Today...

Mrs. Daniel Boyd-

This woman is Mrs. Jane Elliott Boyd, mother of Margaret Boyd who is mentioned several postings before this one.
Jane was the eleventh of fifteen children born to her parents, and she subsequently gave birth to nine of her own.
No wonder she looks tired.
Oh, and Nick, there is no relationship to Mrs. Boyd and myself, just so you know.
Funny that you should feel that way; that is apparently how I looked when I went shopping in Kohl's last week!
Susie, I was wondering if you'd catch that. I did. I was thinking, too, that I'm older than you. I tell you, hair color, or at least highlights will make you look younger.
She looks rather disheveled. If that is how you feel perhaps you could smoke a joint.
I loved that posting you did about shopping! I really doubt you'll ever look like Mrs. Boyd.
I only had 3 children, and felt like tearing my hair out sometimes!
Well you know, I'm a little older than the both of you...
I think I felt like Mrs. Boyd because I'm bone tired from all this moving around logs and such.
You're probably right, feel free to bring one by.
that is me today, also
Did you wear out Mr. Cheesecakey when you were *ahem*showing him your new shoes?
I've been cleaning gutters today... ick.
It's time for a jacuzzi.
hope to here from you my husband is also a 16 generation from the shipleys of maryland u are welcome to email me from your email have all the proff ive been doing his genealogy have it back until 1520 eamil me at
send me an email at . my husband is the 16 generation from shipleys of maryland.
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